Super Accountant’s Restaurant Business Academy Dreams Coaching

Dedicated Restaurant Excellent Accounting and Marketing Solutions

Are you thinking of starting a restaurant business, or you are currently struggling with one? RESTURANT BUSINESS ACADEMY is built to help people like you who are struggling in their new or existing restaurant business to generate more revenue while also controlling costs, which means more profit.

RESTURANT BUSINESS ACADEMY is dedicated in seeing that your restaurant business grows to effectively compete in a very competitive industry. RESTURANT BUSINESS ACADEMY also brings to table marketing strategies into any restaurants that has failed to meet the profit EXPECTATIONS of their restaurants. We provide a complete solution; we call it DREAMS (DEDICATED RESTAURANT, EXCELLENT ACCOUNTING and MARKETING SOLUTIONS) that will not only stabilize the restaurant business but will also make the business laser-focused on marketing to its target market while increasing productivity and profit margins.


Our CEO Rodney Ross Began his journey in the Hospitality and Restaurant industry at age 14 as a busboy in a regional restaurant chain named White Spot Restaurants, a full-service coffee shop in Denver, Colorado where Rodney was born and raised.

Rodney was promoted from busboy to assistant manager all before graduating from George Washington High school where he maintained a 3.5 grade point average. Rodney, now tired of proving himself to an owner who clearly thought he was too young to manage a store worth several million dollars, resigned his position of assistant manager of White Spot Curtis. Rodney went on to successfully manage several fast food operations. Rodney quickly became frustrated and tired of corporate politics decided that climbing the corporate ladder was of no interest to him.

Rodney eventually found a closed location called the Super Chef Restaurant and secured $70,000 in financing from a private investor.

Rodney, now acting as the contractor, began accepting bids and subbing out the various construction projects he had within the restaurant. After several grueling months of construction and working the way through all the regulatory hurdles, Rodney opened the restaurant in May of 1979, three months before his nineteenth birthday. Running the restaurant successfully for several years Rodney decided to sell the restaurant to pursue his education.

In 1982, he opened his accounting firm, Ross & Associates, which today serves over 300 clients in various areas of accounting and taxation. Inspired by a passion for developing comprehensive business plans and watching those ventures flourish, Rodney purchased two declining restaurants in 1985 and brought them back to profitability within six months. 

In 1991 he purchased a full-service vending company with 17 accounts and sales of $200,000 annually. Within two short years Rodney grew the business to over 60 accounts with sales of over $800,000 annually, all the while maintaining his accounting and tax firm Ross & Associates.

We understand owning a restaurant business for many people is a dream come true, however, there are several challenges that could surface with starting a new restaurant or managing a growing one. One such challenges could be working 24/7 round the clock, having no time for vacations. But with the right and qualified help from RESTURANT BUSINESS ACADEMY, you can be rest assured of a vacation.


Accounting for restaurants is a fundamental part of the business.  Be that as it may, you didn't get into the restaurant business to turn into an accountant; rather you most likely joined the business to make heavenly sustenance to serve.

Adjusting your books and dealing with your accounts are not by any stretch of the imagination part of that general arrangement. You should report every single money-related exchange for your business. Furthermore, this is the place we come in; we will provide you with a check list of the information you will provide us each month, and we will take it from there it’s that simple. One we compile the information into financial statements, we will meet to discuss and strategize as well as set obtainable goals.


Each business requires a system for promoting its product and services. Restaurants are no exception. Indeed, some may contend that restaurants need to battle for each client much more than retail locations since it appears that when the economy slows, families tend to eat out less and thus creates more competition for the dining consumer. In showcasing your restaurants, you will familiarize yourself with your target market, create a message (Unique Selling Proposition), and choose which media to relay that message.  We believe you should utilize more than just one media type to relay your carefully crafted message. In addition, you must familiarize yourself with your competition.

With your menu being a very intricate part of your business, you must ensure each menu item is cost-effective, and it at least captures 3% or more of your sales.

Our team will access 5 areas of your business Accounting, Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Marketing. Each area is extremely important to your success.

It is important to note that we can fix or improve your AQSCM (Accounting, Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Marketing).

YOU must be willing to implement the changes and have the courage to stay the course.

This program may or may not be for you, but if you are ready to fix and or improve your restaurant business, then let's get started...

DREAMS (Dedicated Restaurant Excellent Accounting Marketing Solutions) is now open, and I invite you to apply today!

Your dream restaurant starts with us.